The MathDork
Me & Oscar
I love Math.
Concentrating on problem-solving puts me into the “zone” where time passes in a different way. It’s a neutral study and applies everywhere. It has no opinions and doesn’t care about your opinions. It is the basis of all physics; it is the language of the universe.
But I’m not ALL about math.
I love clothing and fiber arts. From the age of eight I’ve had a doll collection with a focus on outfits from around the world. I knit, crochet, quilt, and sew, among other fiber-y pursuits. I even have a spinning wheel.
My cockatiel Oscar can sometimes be heard in the background of video sessions.
I have a philosophy that life is about work and sharing what you have: you can’t be happy without working. Want to be happy? Do some good work! It keeps you young.
And, I like dumb jokes.
Credentials and Experience
By my senior year in High School I knew that I would be working toward a teaching credential, which I obtained through the University of California at Berkeley, with a major in Mathematics, and a minor in English.
I have been teaching since 1985*, including eight years full-time classroom teaching. I have taught in a number of contexts, including tutoring, substituting, home instruction, and on the adolescent ward in a psychiatric hospital.
*pop quiz: how long ago was that? How do you feel about being asked a math question?
Other experience includes 12 years in technology, website production, project management, and creation of online learning applications.
I pride myself on a holistic approach to teaching Math, taking into account multiple factors that affect how a student learns Math, and what his/her goal is.